Third batch is the charm. Ever since Adam and Eve first irritated their private parts wearing fig leaves in the garden, humans have loved figs.* I am no exception. I look forward to a trip to California in October or November, when fresh figs hit the market. I think of figs as a fall-winter food, but most recipes I've found call for dried figs, the form available year-round. The Fig Cookies recipe calls for dried and chopped Calmyrna figs, a variety that is often imported from Greece. In June, I could find only Kalamata figs (another Greek import). Kalamatas are also called "string figs" because in ancient times people carried strings of these figs on long journeys across the dessert. The figs provided much needed protein and carbohydrates.** I picture the figs strung around peoples' necks. When did we get over these plants as wearing apparel? Talk about a perfect "What Not to Wear" item. Stacy, Clinton, ancient people so needed you. Back to the c...
I began this blog when my mother was ill and needed enough of my attention that I could not concentrate on longer-form works I wanted to write. I set those aside to distract myself with cookie-making and this blog. Please find my new blog (2020) entitled "Time NOT Lost" at, where I explore the behavior I see around me -- both my own and that of others -- and what it says about our changing culture during the coronavirus pandemic. And, I hope, beyond.